About College
Established in 1979, the Shri D.G.M. Ayurvedic Medical College began modestly in a small Gadag city building with the blessings of Shri Nandishwara Mahaswamiji. Gadag is a philosopher’s and saint’s land. Because it has been educating people and bringing philosophical ideas closer to the common people, Jagadguru Shivananda Math is more significant for its philosophical goals. Inspired by His Holiness Shri Jagadguru Nandishwara Mahaswamiji, the late Shri Danappa Gurusiddappa Melmalagi and Late Smt Girijamma Danappa Melmalagi, the founders of this institution, gave all of their property to Shivananda Vidyavardhaka Samsthe in order to construct an Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital.
The institute employs instructors and highly skilled Ayurvedic doctors. The college’s academic division specializes on high-profile instruction with an emphasis on Shastrokta Ashtanga Ayurvedic knowledge and practice. Modern medical science’s applied parts have been embraced by the faculty, and students are taught using a variety of media and other advanced teaching tools.
In 1996, the Shri D.G.M Ayurvedic Medical College began offering postgraduate courses. As of right now, there are four PG specialties operating in Kayachikitsa, Panchakarma, Dravyaguna, Rasashastra, and Bhaishajya Kalpana. A well-established research institution with adequate infrastructure is carrying out various studies and publishing the findings in reputable publications. Ayurvedic textbooks such as Essentials of Basic Ayurveda Concepts and Panchakarma Sarasangraha, as well as works written by college staff members such Rasayana Sarvaswam and Vajeekarana Hastamalaka, have been published by the DGM Publication division.
Ayurvedic texts such as Panchakarma Chikitsa and Twak Vikara are being worked on. Health is a quarterly publication published by the College Publications section. The College has taken the lead in planning CME, workshops, international, national, and state conferences, as well as an AYUSH doctor reorientation program. Two state government programs, VGST and K-FIST, are available to the institution to support scholars and improve departmental facilities while also facilitating research. AYUSH Grama works around the clock to give that particular village in Dasa Hadagali Taluk Ron access to all amenities, a high standard of living, healthcare, etc.
Contact Details
Shri D. G. M. Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital,
Address: Dr.S.V.Savadi Road, Near Shivanand Math,
Shivanand Nagar, Gadag- 582102, Karnataka.
Email Iddgmamcg@gmail.com
Tele: 08372-239014, 239450 , Mob: Office: 8765124297