About College
The Govt. Autonomous Ayurved College & Hospital Institute is a highly esteemed Ayurvedic college with a rich history of Ayurvedic education. It is also the oldest Ayurvedic institute in India. In 1916, this institution was founded as a “Rajkiya Ayurveda Vidyalaya,” or governmental ayurvedic school. A two-year diploma program in Ayurveda Upadhyaya, Ayurveda Shastri, and Ayurvedacharya was established in the initial years of planning.
A five-year integrated program known as B.I.M.S. was established in 1949 and was affiliated with the “Indian medicine council, U.P.” This institute started offering a B.A.M.S. course in 1956 and moved into the current facility after being associated with “Vikram University, Ujjain.”
In 1965, this institution became a part of “Jiwaji University, Gwalior.” A newly mandated 5-year, 6-month degree program has been in place since 1989 and is offered continually. Each year, this institute fills 50 spots for the B.A.M.S. program with approval from C.C.I.M. According to government regulations, five of these fifty places are designated for BIMSTEC students.
In 1977, the postgraduate program in “Dosha Dhatu Mal Vigyan” (physiology) was launched. The M.P. state government declared this institute to be an autonomous entity in 1997. The Govt. Autonomous Ayurved College and Hospital, Gwalior is the registered society that governs the institute’s management. The registration date of the society is 03-02-1997.This institute will celebrate its “centennial Jubilee”—the completion of a century—in the following few years, 2016.
Contact Deatils
Govt. Autonomous Ayurved College & Hospital
Phone: +91-751 – 2372802
Email: gacgwalior@gmail.com
website: http://gacgwalior.edu.in/